Shows & Events
From the white crested peaks of Mount Fuji in Japan, to the winding Canals of Venice in Italy. The splendid waterfalls of Boti in Ghana, to the crevices of Ogbunike Caves in Nigeria. The glistening sands of the Kalahari to the towering Green canopies of the Amazon. Watch WONDERFUL WORLD, BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, a program dedicated to bringing you closer to the hidden beauties and splendours that exist in our world today. You will be virtually transported on a fascinating journey to explore the world and its wonders, learn of its entrancing people and their ways of living.
Transport yourself to a world of cultural diversity and wonder. Where the web of different cultures and homelands meet you wherever you may be. Learn about customs, traditions and practices and expand your knowledge on the different cultures of the world as we bring you first hand reports and captivating stories from the mix of global cultures.
The rhythmic beating of drums, the colourful display of art, the mouth-watering aroma of different foods, the cheer and merry of wonderful people. It's all about the celebrations and festivities across the varied cultures and people of this awesome world. Experience the mind blowing carnivals of South America to the festival of lights of South East Asia, the annual Agbogboza and Hogbetsotso of the Ewe people, the Akwasidae of the Ashanti people and Homowo of the Ga people in Ghana. The Reed Dance Festival of Zululand and the Ogun Festival of the Yorubas' in Nigeria. The captivating hunting and farming festivals of West Africa to the celebration of Bavarian culture and music. Festivals are a part of us, celebrated by diverse cultures and people. Tune in, learn, explore and be amazed at the beautiful showcase of vibrant traditions and customs from the world around you.
If ever there were a universal language that was loved by all across borders, it would be Music. The rhythm and flow of lyrics and instruments unbound by time zones and barriers. Treat yourself to some of the most captivating tunes originating from a variety of homelands and cultures, blends of genres, cultures, folk and musical styles and dance moves, to keep you entertained as long as you need. Stay plugged-in for your best in all types of music from traditional to contemporary, enrapturing to soothing and many more.
People and places make up the world and bring you close to true stories and happenings all around the globe. Follow our stories as we attempt to understand countries and its cultures by looking closely at its people.
At this very moment, there are many people Airborne somewhere in the world. Have you wondered what it takes to run these magnificent aircrafts up in the Skies? In order to gain real insights into the nature of the global aviation network, watch Aerotour, a program that uncovers the invisible global networks, the extraordinary engineering and technology that makes it possible for safe and reliable air travel. Get features on Routes and Schedules of airlines, Bookings and Ticketing, Airport procedures and so much more on Aerotour. Aerotour will take you through the journey with Insights on the inherent pleasures of Air travel.